2021 Annual Report

The mission of the Vermont Journalism Trust is to produce rigorous journalism that explains complex issues, promotes public accountability and fosters democratic and civic engagement.

2021 Impact Highlights

Ben Bergstein and North End Studios

Dairy farming

The Vice Principal

Housing Challenges


VTDigger’s reporting on the Delta and Omicron Covid-19 waves documented a critical period of the pandemic in Vermont. Officials had wound down key aspects of the state’s Covid response following the success of the spring 2021 vaccination drive. In the process, they resisted many experts and wide swaths of the public, who worried — correctly — that a fall wave of infections could be severe. Throughout the fall and winter, VTDigger published a series of reports that scrutinized the state’s strategy of leaving prevention efforts to individuals and analyzed the consequences of the widespread infections that followed. The organization remained responsive to readers, who continued to press for accurate Covid data analysis and clear public health recommendations in light of the state’s rapidly shifting messaging. The newsroom also responded to readers’ requests to highlight impacts on the state’s education, health care and prison systems. VTDigger provided indispensable information to Vermonters that could not be found elsewhere.

A huge thank you to you and the VTDigger Team for all that you do covering stories impacting Vermont and Vermonters. Prior to the pandemic I was not aware of your organization. VTDigger is now my go to source for news. 


Awards and Recognition in 2021

For reporting published in 2020

LION Publishers

Winner of Best Local Election/Voting Coverage and finalist for Investigative Report of the Year. Read more

“This is what careful planning and cultivating reader trust looks like. VTDigger’s longtime relationship with its audience and continued fulfillment of its editorial mission has resulted in election coverage to which all organizations, no matter the size, should aspire.”

– LION Judges’ comment for Best Local Election/Voting Coverage

The New England Newspaper and Press Association

A dozen awards — including five first-place finishes, for investigative reporting, photography and the use of social media in breaking news. Read more

“A superb piece of reporting that raised serious red flags about the potential dangers of a militia training site in Vermont. The reporting was strong enough to force state officials to take action. Bravo.”

– NENPA Judge’s comment for Investigative/Enterprise Reporting first place winner, Slate Ridge by Emma Cotton

Thanks for digging up and telling stories in a long enough format that gets me thinking, develops my curiosity and got me to go to the website and learn more.


Community and Events

Member Drives

VTDigger partnered with the Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF) during our Spring Member Drive to send one book to a Vermont child for each member donation we received. Our members sent 3,000 books to future news readers across the state. In the winter, we partnered once again with the Vermont Foodbank, and our members sent 40,000 meals to Vermonters facing food insecurity. We are deeply grateful for our members without whose support we would not be able to produce our public service journalism and we thank our partners for the incredible work they do for Vermonters every single day.

Community Listening

In 2021, VTDigger undertook a community listening project to help better understand regional news needs in Northwestern Vermont. We had a newly doubled pandemic audience with heightened information needs, new appreciation for the power of responsive journalism and an opportunity to build out regional reporting in Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle counties. In total, the listening project incorporated the voices of 540 Vermonters. That included 154 individuals who participated in one-on-one interviews and 386 people from Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle counties who completed the online survey. The project resulted in a final report and the creation of ambitious yet achievable goals aimed at responding to community news needs in the region.

Local Live(s)

VTDigger partnered with Back Pocket Media to produce two live community events in 2021. The Local Live(s) events featured our reporters alongside community members and musicians. Audience members joined us virtually and in-person for an eve of live storytelling that pulled back the curtain on the journalistic process and built trust in local news.


VTDigger 2021 Revenue

Grants | $424,520
Underwriting | $553,960
Individual Contributions | $2,342,070
News Revenue | $27,318
Other | $27,748
Total Revenue | $3,375,616

VTDigger 2021 Expenses

Program | $1,677,407
General & Administrative | $290,519
Fundraising | $492,673
Technology | $213,835
Total Expenses | $2,674,434

2021 Workforce Demographics


News and Editorial Staff

News and Editorial Management

Race and ethnicity

News and Editorial Staff

News and Editorial Management

Every day, VT Digger provides timely, relevant news in a clear, accessible format to all Vermonters.


Thank you!

2021 Donor List | 2021 Underwriters

Achieving our mission depends upon the generosity of donors, and we’re incredibly grateful for the thousands of individuals, foundations and businesses who support our work.

We maintain a firewall between news coverage decisions and all sources of revenue. Acceptance of financial support does not constitute implied or actual endorsement of donors or their products, services or opinions.

We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals and organizations for the general support of our activities, but our news judgments are made independently and not on the basis of donor support.

We are committed to transparency in every aspect of funding our organization. Each year, we publish a full list of donors and supporters, with all who gave a total of $5,000 or more in a given year separately listed. We accept anonymous donations for general support only.