Editor’s note: This commentary is Peter Clavelle, who served seven terms as mayor of Burlington and was Community and Economic Development director during the administration of Bernie Sanders. In 2006, he joined Tetra Tech ARD. For 4½ years, he has served as chief of party of the USAID Planning and Local Governance Project in Albania.

[F]or decades, Burlington has been on a path of becoming a more sustainable community. This journey has not been without occasional setbacks or sporadic controversy, but most would acknowledge that we are making progress. The most widely accepted definition of sustainable development is: “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” A sustainable community is one that is economically, environmentally and socially healthy and resilient. For me, this means that the decisions made today must make our city better — economically, environmentally and socially — for our kids and grandkids. Every policy made and development project approved should be examined through this “sustainability lens.” We must ask ourselves, “If this policy or project happens will this community be better or worse for future generations?”

Cambrian Rise will be Burlington’s newest neighborhood situated on land formerly owned by Burlington College and the Catholic Diocese. I have examined the proposed development through the “sustainability lens” and the policies and principles that have guided sustainable development in Burlington for decades. I have concluded that Cambrian Rise does constitute sustainable development and will contribute to our efforts to make Burlington a more sustainable community. Cambrian Rise, if built as proposed, will make Burlington better and more resilient for future generations. I reach this conclusion based on these considerations:

• Burlington residents — today and in the future — need safe, decent and affordable housing. Cambrian Rise, in partnership with Champlain Housing Trust and Cathedral Square, will be one of the most economically diverse and integrated neighborhoods in Vermont. This new neighborhood will provide 739 homes, including 70 subsidized senior apartments, 76 subsidized family apartments, and 60 permanently affordable homes. Playgrounds and children’s areas will produce a family-friendly environment.

• Lake Champlain and other fragile natural resources must be protected. Cambrian Rise will exceed state and city standards for water quality. Not only will the sanitary and storm water systems be state of the art with onsite treatment of stormwater, but the development will correct current deficiencies within the city’s existing systems. In addition, the project will include a 12-acre public park with new access to the lake, native plant communities will be restored, community gardens will be provided, and underground and under building parking will reduce runoff.

• Burlington’s traffic congestion must be better managed by lessening our dependency on the automobile. Cambrian Rise will promote alternative modes of transportation and emphasize multi-modalism as a development priority. Investments will include: a bike path connector, on site car share opportunities, bike sharing (with storage and maintenance services), and a heated bus terminal onsite. Pedestrians will have easy access to downtown.

• Burlington’s tax base must be expanded and new job opportunities created. The goal of Cambrian Rise is to grow and enhance the North End neighborhood, not just create a bedroom community. Commercial spaces will provide services and job opportunities to area residents. In total, Cambrian Rise will expand the city’s tax base by an estimated $1.3 million.

I urge residents to be involved as Cambrian Rise wends its way through the final stages of the permitting process. A sustainable community’s success depends upon its members’ commitment and involvement through active and informed citizenship. Cambrian Rise presents our sustainable community a unique opportunity to better manage its human, natural and financial resources to meet current needs while ensuring that adequate resources are equitably available for future generations.

Pieces contributed by readers and newsmakers. VTDigger strives to publish a variety of views from a broad range of Vermonters.