Under our U.S. Constitution, we citizens across America try to elect bright and capable representatives to go to Congress to address the biggest issues affecting us all and make decisions that will best serve the common good of Americans and our nation. These issues include climate change, health care, education, infrastructure, voting rights, financial protections, consumer protections, and much more.

Yet, the paramount public policy issue of our time is that, due to the way our political process is currently structured and financed, Congress has become increasingly dysfunctional. A majority of those we’ve elected have become compromised, many say corrupted, and now primarily serve the reelection and personal interests of themselves as incumbents, their political party, their biggest and most influential donors, their campaign consultants, and the media, all of whom benefit massively. 

Meanwhile, the American people, whose interests they are supposed to serve, have never been more dissatisfied.

America urgently needs candidates who will make fixing our democracy the centerpiece of their campaigns. What’s your plan to fix this, and explain to us all why your plan is broad and comprehensive enough to result in representation that prioritizes the common good of us all and our nation?

Rick Hubbard

South Burlington

Pieces contributed by readers and newsmakers. VTDigger strives to publish a variety of views from a broad range of Vermonters.