I guess I am lucky that, after 45 years of working, we finally saved enough that we thought we could retire, so we did. 

What seems to be happening right this minute is our government is borrowing huge sums of money and diluting the money supply. This means everyone’s retirement plans are being put at risk. Inflation is caused by doubling the money supply, as in just printing money. Your retirement nest egg is worth only half of what it was five years ago. Think about that for a minute. 

The Inflation Reduction Act is sending billions of borrowed dollars to states, and this is actually fueling inflation. I guess it’s dumb to ask the powers that be what they are going to do with all those baby boomers who are going to run out of money in the near future? 

Along with publicly funded day care, perhaps we should start looking for publicly funded retirement. By then, perhaps, we could print the money out of some edible material so at least we could eat the worthless currency.

Robert Gifford


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