I am fed up w/the constant talk about affordable housing and the need for more housing in Vermont. The reason being is that if Act 250 were to accommodate these needs, houses would go up in the same-old, same-old usual fashion, building for profit.

Most new homes would be unaffordable to many Vermonters as well as newcomers wishing to move to Vermont. 

We need a better plan for building affordable houses. We need to look at co-housing, a housing plan that lessens the cost of each building, can create new communities, and have a low impact on the landscape all at the same time. 

It’s important that if any changes to Act 250 are made, they must be done after a thorough examination and plan has evolved that would truly create affordable living for people as well as preserve the health of and continued growth of Vermont’s natural landscape.

Sand Mayo


Pieces contributed by readers and newsmakers. VTDigger strives to publish a variety of views from a broad range of Vermonters.