Dear Reader,

At VTDigger, we strive to bring you timely, relevant and in-depth news every single day of the year. But we can’t do that without reader support.

We are only 300 member contributions away from meeting our Friday goal and staying on track during our annual membership drive. If you value the service that VTDigger provides, will you join us with a member gift at the level that is right for you today?

You might have some questions about VTDigger Membership. As journalists, we appreciate questions! Here are some answers that might help.

Who is a member? A member is anyone who donates to VTDigger at least once in a given year.

How much does it cost to become a member? That’s up to you! Whether it’s $10 or $1,000, one-time, monthly or yearly — we are grateful for whatever you can contribute and it truly helps.

How long does my membership last? Your membership expires 365 days after the date of your last gift.

How do I become a member? There are three ways to donate and become a member. Choose whichever is easiest for you!

  • Click here to donate online via credit card, PayPal or ACH
  • Mail us a check to our office: VTDigger, 26 State Street, Suite 8, Montpelier, VT 05602
  • Call us at (802) 225-6791 to make a gift over the phone

Right now, about 650,000 readers rely on VTDigger for critical news every month, but less than 2 percent of our readers are supporting members. Can you help us change that?

When you give and become a member now, we’ll send 10 meals on your behalf to the Vermont Foodbank.

If you can afford it, please make a donation that feels right for you and help keep VTDigger strong going into 2023.

With gratitude,

The VTDigger Team