Dear Reader,

Did you know nearly 650,000 readers rely on VTDigger each month — but less than 2% of them ever make a contribution to help sustain our work? Our reporting is free to consume, but not to produce.

Today we’re asking YOU to support public service journalism for all of Vermont by joining our annual membership drive. Will you help keep VTDigger going strong in the year ahead?

As a nonprofit newsroom we depend on the generosity of our members to keep our reporters on the beat. Our winter membership drive is a critical source of revenue that sustains our reporting throughout the year.

We have members who support us with gifts of anywhere from $1 to $1,000, and we recognize and appreciate every one of them as an important partner in our public service journalism.

We also know that there are many important causes that need our support this time of year, which is why we’ve once again partnered with the Vermont Food Bank. For every member gift we receive this month, we will provide 10 meals to Vermonters who are struggling to put food on the table during the holiday season.

Our goal is to send 40,000 meals by year-end. To stay on track, we need 400 readers to join as members this week. If you value the service that VTDigger provides to all Vermonters, will you please step up to become a member today?

Please, help us meet our funding needs and support VTDigger for a strong 2023.

With appreciation,

Jim Lehnhoff

Chief Revenue Officer, VTDigger

Become a VTDigger member today

Call: (802) 225-6791
Mail: Make checks payable to VTDigger, 26 State Street, Suite 8, Montpelier, VT 05602

Our Mission

We produce rigorous journalism that explains complex issues, holds the government accountable to the public and engages Vermonters in the democratic process.

VTDigger is a project of the Vermont Journalism Trust, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our Tax ID number is 27-1553931