Dear Reader,

We never want to see critical daily and investigative news behind a paywall, and you probably don’t either. While many news sites make readers pay for articles, VTDigger does not – – but that’s only possible because of voluntary donations made by readers like you.

Membership support is the reason we are able to keep our news free and accessible to all.

If you rely on our news and appreciate our pay-what-you-can model, please become a member today. When you do, we won’t ask you again for the rest of the year and you will also send 10 meals to the Vermont Foodbank.

The reality is that quality local journalism is in danger of extinction. Newsroom employment was cut by nearly 50% in the last ten years, meaning more and more communities across the country have no source for local news. VTDigger fills that void in Vermont, thanks to member support.

Our comprehensive election coverage, deep investigative dives and daily breaking news take resources to produce. Covering the whole state is a tall order, but VTDigger reporters are on the beat every day of the week.

Right now, we are halfway to our Thanksgiving goal of inspiring 1,000 members to donate and send 10,000 meals to the Vermont Foodbank. Will you make your a donation today at the level that works for your budget?

Your donation will send 10 meals to the Vermont Foodbank.

We understand that not everyone can make a donation, and we are committed to providing accessible news for all. Thank you for considering a member donation today.

With gratitude,

The VTDigger team

Become a VTDigger member today

Call: (802) 225-6791
Mail: Make checks payable to VTDigger, 26 State Street, Suite 8, Montpelier, VT 05602

Our Mission

We produce rigorous journalism that explains complex issues, holds the government accountable to the public and engages Vermonters in the democratic process.

VTDigger is a project of the Vermont Journalism Trust, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our Tax ID number is 27-1553931