Photo courtesy of Vermont Foodbank

VTDigger is committed to Vermont communities. Our timely local news is an essential public service that hundreds of thousands of Vermonters count on each day. But as much as everyone needs reliable information, many Vermonters also need food for their tables.

Our news is free to consume, but not to produce. If you value our work, please consider becoming a member today. Your contribution will not only support VTDigger, but also provide 10 meals for Vermonters in need. Will you join us?

Whether it’s our daily updates on the Covid-19 pandemic, breaking stories about Vermont politics, statehouse coverage, or our deep dives into schools, agriculture, healthcare or public safety — VTDigger covers news you can’t find anywhere else.

We care about Vermonters’ stories and are dedicated to the issues that affect our communities. And right now, we know 1 in 3 Vermont residents have faced food insecurity since the Covid-19 pandemic began. The majority of those who reported experiencing food insecurity are still facing hunger in 2021. 

That’s why we’ve once again partnered with the Vermont Foodbank for our 2021 Member Drive. Our goal is for 1,000 VTDigger readers to join us so we can send 10,000 meals to the Foodbank by Thanksgiving. Our members make it all possible — please join today.

As a special token of our appreciation, we’ll also send you a commemorative patch if you’re one of the first 1,000 people to support our drive!

Your support keeps our reporting free for all to access. But whether or not you can donate, we’re honored to be at your service. It’s our mission to keep Vermonters informed. Thanks for trusting us to do that.

With appreciation,

Anne Galloway

Founder and Editor, VTDigger

VTDigger's founder and editor-at-large.