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Every day, VTDigger receives tips from readers that we act on. Investigations take time and expertise. Donate today to support local, honest journalism.

Dear Readers,

At a time when the press is being disparaged by some as the “enemy of the people” and the number of reporters at the state and local level continues to shrink, the need for the kind of reliable news produced by VTDigger has never been greater.

We are reminded each day of our mission to tackle complex issues and hold our leaders accountable.



As a nonprofit organization, we rely on our donors to sustain our news-gathering efforts and to expand our reach.

With your generosity, VTDigger can continue to ensure that Vermonters get the fact-based, ethical reporting they deserve.

Support independent watchdog journalism.



We are excited to announce that thanks to your support, we only have $173,000 left to raise before the end of the year!

Help VTDigger publish the stories that matter to you. Donate today.

Many, many thanks to the more than 1,000 readers who have donated to our annual fund drive so far. 


Call: (802) 225-6224
Mail: make checks payable to VTDigger, 26 State Street, Suite 8, Montpelier, VT 05602

With gratitude,

Anne Galloway
Editor and Executive Director

VTDigger's founder and editor-at-large.